Download and Share Your 2025 PSAs!

School sports and performing arts need our support now more than ever.

That’s why our not-for-profit organizations, the NFHS and the NIAAA, have produced new PSAs that will help. 

They cover the biggest topics surrounding school sports and performing arts that your community needs to hear—fan behavior at athletic events, student mental wellness, the value of participation, recruiting high school officials, and more.

Plus, for the first time ever, this year’s package includes both radio AND video PSAs!

These PSAs are for everyone, no matter how you’re connected to school sports and performing arts!

  • Radio station personnel: Please download and broadcast the PSAs on your station as often as possible.

  • School personnel: Please download and play the PSAs at athletic events, during school announcements, on PA systems and telephone hold lines, and much more.

Simply fill out the short form below to download PSAs customized for your state.

Thank you for joining the conversation and supporting students and schools in your state through this PSA program!

The radio PSAs have a 1-year term through January 22, 2026.